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Bible and Christian Antiquity 3 (3)

Есенина» И. Рязань Less. Рязань Срезневский и русское историческое языкознание: К летию со дня рождения И.

Socioeconomic orientation of Christianity

Abstract: The subject of this research is the socioeconomic basis of the key characteristics of Christianity: proselytizing nature, refutation of violence, fasts, baptism, support of feudalism, negative stance on nomadic pastoralism, system of monasteries, use of churchyards as burials, as well as special cult symbols. The article employs the following methods: 1 material-cultural juxtaposition of religious views with the level of technological development of a particular era ; 2 geophysical juxtaposition of religious views reflected in historical sources with natural conditions affecting economic activity and emergence of a particular ideology ; 3 systemic Christianity is viewed as an element of state policy aimed at the development of secured trade routes, unobstructed tax collection and control over population ; 4 linguistic analysis of names ; 5 hermeneutical interpretation of Christian symbols in the context of economic activity of ancient times. The conclusion is made that initially Christianity was aimed at solution of the following tasks by the government: 1 development of navigation and creation of secured trade routes namely sea routes ; 2 alleviation of social tension in coastal fortress cities via adoption of a special code of conduct and reduction of urban population through implementation of the system of monasteries; 3 creation of the system of wayside markers and fortified strongpoints for sailors in form of temples and monasteries; 4 development of agricultural structure namely through posts for the procurement of coastal fortress cities and organizing long-term sea and land expeditions; 5 displacement of caravan trade routes with sea routes 6 registration of population by securing the name given at baptism. Teutates horrensque feris altaribus Esus. Please select your language to translate the article.

Святость и святые в русской духовной культуре, 1
Slovene. International Journal of Slavic Studies. Vol. 10. No 2. 2021

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Calaméo - Шеина Срезневский и русское историческое языкознание

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